i bought a copy of Drive Genius 3 from Other World Computing when i upgraded the hard drive in my MacBook Pro a little while back. it's been a decent piece of software, but recently has been reporting a bad block. i was having trouble booting from DVD (necessary to make repairs to the internal hard drive), so i just suffered for a while. just the other day booting from DVD became possible again (it turns out that if the laptop battery is at the point of needing replacement, DVD boots will fail.)
once i realized that DVD boots worked again, i also realized that i'm not entirely sure where the DVD of Drive Genius is (my office is, perhaps, a bit messy.) so i looked around the Prosoft Website, and figured out that apparently there was a downloadable ISO, and i couldn't find the link for it. I emailed off to support, including my serial number, and was rather happy with the quick response, an email with a link.
Except the link didn't work right. there was an input field for the serial number and a submit button. i entered the number and clicked submit, and got a confusing html jumble back. i tried the serial number without the hyphens, no change. ok, i'm using Camino, which is an obscure niche browser, so let's try Chrome. same results. ok, Drive Genius is a mac product, surely the link works in a current copy of Safari. nope.
so i emailed back to support. they sent back a different link to try. except this one was going to charge me $7.50 to send me a physical disk via surface mail.
no thanks, guys, i already paid for Drive Genius 3 and you advertise downloadable copies of the ISO. fix your web site (please.)