Saturday, October 20. 2012OpenStreetMap: Emergency ServicesComments
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The Nexus 7 tablet acquires a GPS sync in a few seconds consistently. It's a reasonably sized touch screen. Runs OSMAnd like a champ, and OSMAnd is open source. And it's only $200. Doesn't use the cell network, so there are no fees.
Even if it proves to take too long to get a GPS lock, the solution to that is to keep power to it all the time. This is an awesome idea. We can get these departments online, which will get people to fixing the map in their area so the emergency services can find their house.
Until the county starts transmitting 911 call info to our cell phones, what I really need is a simple printed map of our district with house numbers scattered along the roadside.. Just enough numbers to determine odd/even side, approximately how far down a road to go and/or which way to turn onto a cross street. I don't need all the house locations.. Can OSM generate such a map? I'm willing to drive around and gps mark exact locations if that's needed..
one of the current weakness of OSM is address data. this project has a number of purposes, and one of the secondary ones is to get e911 addressing data into OSM. there are a lot of reasons why we want to do that.
if you're willing to enter address info into OSM, you can get this result easily enough:
http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=42.61885&lon=-73.5841&zoom=17&layers=M This view shows house numbers; the dashed lines represent address interpolations. the interpolations are mostly overkill, but are handy if new homes get built as they'll handle approximate location for addresses not in the map.
Thanks, that's interesting. But when I 'zoom out', I'd still like to see some of the labels. Obviously they won't all fit.
I can't see how to get osm to intelligently show whatever labels will fit on the map at the current zoom level
you can't tweak that in an osm view on the website because tiles are pre-rendered. if you want them to show up, you would need to customize the stylesheet and render tiles yourself (or persuade someone else to do it for you.) what is the actual use case here (that is, why do you want this specific variant of the map)?
I would like to generate a 911 address map of our fire district.
Just enough "house-numbers" to determine which direction to turn at cross streets, odd/even sides and approximate distance. I don't need to show a number for every house.
this is the sort of work that can be done in the framework of the proposed project. what state are you in? i know that the New York State enhanced 911 address data is more accurate and complete than what you're asking for, but i don't know the situation in other states.
I am in NY, in St. Law County.
I think GIS falls under real-property dept in this county. They, and their IT folks are (last I knew) overwhelmed and unable to assist area departments. I have asked for GIS data from real property and told "Sorry, I am too busy".
that's a dynamic that we can change. needs the right lever, and that's what i'm working to supply. my goals in albany county are to improve emergency response, but also to provide a template for opening up GIS data throughout the state.
I've imported a LOT of street addresses in SLC, Brad, but this was from the Ag data that you got me, which doesn't include any villages.
I think that "Sorry, I am too busy" is not an acceptable answer to an FOIL request. The standard OSM slippy map is designed for general purposes. Sounds like emergency responders need a special rendering which emphasizes addresses at corners. OSMAnd will do street address routing, if the data exists, and you take the time to enter it. OSMAnd also has a style sheet, but I haven't looked into it at all. |
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Some recent discussion on the OSM tagging mailing list brought something to my attention that has to be a part of the Emergency Services Mapping project. The additional component is indemnification. OSM and the cadre of Volunteer Mappers have no resource
Tracked: Nov 22, 16:41