This document is copyright 2001 by Richard Welty. Permission is hereby granted to duplicate this document in its entirety for educational and reference purposes. For all other uses, contact the author.
MySQL is an Open Source Relational Database System which might best be described as "mid-range"; it doesn't have the full capabilities of commercial systems such as Oracle or Informix, but is extremely fast and does what it does very well. Beginning with Spectrum 6.0, the Spectrum Archive Manager database (or DDM) is based on MySQL.
GUI tools can make access to a database much easier. However, they need to be used with some care as they make it even easier to toss off destructive commands.
This document discusses some free and commmercial GUI tools that may be used to access MySQL databases.
phpMyAdmin is an Open Source (GPL) tool for administration of MySQL databases.
phpMyAdmin permits reasonably complete access to a MySQL database via an web browser with Javascript. "Reasonably complete access" includes browsing the table structure, issuing queries, droping/inserting/updating entries, etc.
Requires web server and Php. To be secure, must be used only within a secured infrastructure (SSH, IPSec or SSL Web Server & Browser.)
Mascon and Free Mascon are commercial tools which run under Windows (9x, NT, & 2000) that support access to MySQL databases. Free Mascon is a "come on" tool to encourage purchase of full Mascon. Fortunately, Mascon is not outrageously expensive, and Free Mascon, while limited, is not crippled to the point of being annoying.
Mascon may be installed w/o keys for a 14 day free trial.
Mascon & Free Mascon may be found at
Free Mascon allows basic browsing/updating of databases and tables. Full Mascon appears to include some design and report generation facilties, but I have just purchased a copy and will post full details when have them.
The application must be installed, and is only available for windows hosts.
Requires web server and Php. To be secure, must be used only within a secured infrastructure (SSH or IPSec).
MySQL is an Open Source (GPL) Navigation Client for MySQL databases.
MySQL Navigator may be found at
Searches, Schema Browser, User Administration, Queries, other.
I have not yet tried this tool out, and am uncertain what limitations it may have.
DbVisualizer is a generic Java tool for accessing databases using JBDC. It is claimed to work in enviroments including Solaris and MySQL.
DbVisualizer is a free piece of software subject to the "DbVisualizer License Agreement".
Graphical view of relationships, Table browsing, SQL queries, SQL Editor, Monitor facilities, other.